I breastfed each of my children for one year. I always knew it was something I wanted to do, but when it came time, I didn't even give it a second thought. And I'll admit, it was hard at first. My daughter wouldn't latch, even in the hospital, so I was "stuck" exclusively pumping. After about a month of over producing (this a real thing and a conversation for another time), and a freezer full of only milk and no food, she finally was able to figure it out and it helped me regulate my supply.
When we were out in public, I was absolutely not comfortable breastfeeding without a cover, or honestly, at all. I know it is a natural thing, but I just couldn't get into it as a new mom. I was even uncomfortable feeding her around my extended family and my closest friends. I felt it was something that I should do privately and only with my husband present.
With Deklan, I was a seasoned professional with breastfeeding. I still did not feel comfortable pumping or breastfeeding around anyone. When D was one month old, we had two weddings to go to. I had to run to the car, almost completely undress and pump in the car. Because who takes a one month old baby to a wedding?! Well, I won't lie, I wanted to. But we felt it was better to leave him with family members instead.
I was more comfortable to feed D around other people but still not enough to not use a cover or to advertise that I was breastfeeding. It was just more comfortable for me to be hidden and feed him quietly than to be around other people. Also, Deklan was a nosey baby. He wanted to see the entire world around him. So a quieter environment was best for him.
I was a member of several Facebook groups about breastfeeding and I would read everything these women wrote about how it wasn't right that we had to cover up just to feed our child and that they didn't care what anyone else thought. It does baffle me that people view breastfeeding as a sexual act. And I guess that with my uncomfortableness, I kind of fed into it, but it is a personal preference and I just didn't like being exposed for the world while feeding my baby.
I read about several different countries' views on breastfeeding and I chose to continue my study on Italy. My grandparents are first generation here and I do still have some relatives living in Italy, so it interests me.
I read an article written by the Italian Enthusiast, Anthony Barbuto. It was interesting to read a man's view on breastfeeding. In Italy, he states that most women feed their baby on command when they are hungry. "Italy is not burdened with a societal stigma that disapproves of public breastfeeding." (Barbuto, 2017).How lucky are they?! It is amazing to read that in Italy woman find breastfeeding to be a natural thing and embrace it as beautiful.
I found another article written by Barbara Silliquini, where she discusses that breasts in Italy are on television, in commercials, out there for everyone to see. And that breastfeeding is common. She did mention one time where a bar owner (cappuccino bar) asked a woman to nurse her child outside and he was basically condemned by the public. (Silliquini, n.d.)
It is good to know that IF I have another baby someday, (that's a big IF there, haha) and I happen to visiting my extended family in Italy, I will be okay to feed said baby in public and won't have to worry about anyone yelling at me.
Barbuto, A. (2017, August 20). Breastfeeding in Italy. The Italian Enthusiast. https://italianenthusiast.com/breastfeeding-in-italy/.
Siliquini, B. (2013, March 27). Breasts are for Babies? Perceptions of Breastfeeding in Italy. InCultureParent. https://www.incultureparent.com/breasts-are-for-babies-perceptions-of-breastfeeding-in-italy/.