For me, play was fun! My sister was born when I was 4 years old. So, until then, I had a range of toys to myself without having to share with anyone. I played with my barbies and dolls by myself for hours. My mom used to put music on for me and leave me in the family room for hours, just playing alone. She would occasionally check on me, but otherwise, I was completely happy being alone.
Play then in 1988 vs play today in 2020 is significantly different. Back then, we didn't have technology to keep us occupied. We had crayons and markers and dolls and Legos and sticks and mud. We were able to use our imagination to play outside and not have to worry about the big, scary world. Where I live is not a bad place, but I don't feel comfortable leaving my children outside by themselves to play. My mom would send us outside in the morning and we knew to come home at dinner time. Children can't play like that anymore. It is sad, quite frankly. Children don't get the chance to play freely anymore. They are constantly on the go, because of their parents jobs. Just speaking from experience, my son is at school with me all day. 9-10 hours daily. We get home and I rush to make dinner and pack lunches and the kids need their own down time to come down from the events of the day. I usually end up letting my daughter veg in front of the television for a while because she has been busy and virtual school is hard. And my son wants to do everything that his big sister does, so they usually end up together on the couch. Sometimes cars and trucks and dolls are involved. But, I'll be honest, I am just too tired to play with them sometimes. And then I feel guilty, and it becomes a downward spiral. At the end of the day, I know that they have played at school and it is okay for them to have an evening off.
For adults, play can be anything that is distracting from reality. I think most adults struggle to play and be mindless because we have lost our imaginations. Unless we are engaged with children on a regular basis, or are parents ourselves, our imaginations only take us so far. Until we remember what it is like to just sit and color or build a tower with blocks, our imaginations won't take us very far.