Well, we made it! It has taken us a long time, but we finally have finished our master's program at Walden! I am so excited! I just want to take a moment to thank each of you for your help along the way. I will always remember my time at Walden and how much help you have all been in planning my Capstone and moving forward with my career. I know that we will each excel in our future endeavors and I look forward to keeping in touch with everyone.
I've learned a lot about who I am as a leader and who I want to be throughout the past 8 weeks. I'm compassionate towards my teachers because I was a teacher and know how difficult their job is. Teachers, in general, do not get enough credit for how hard they work, but early childhood teachers are some of the hardest working people I've ever met. Blood, sweat, and tears go into working in this field, and I want to continue to be a leader that is empathetic and compassionate for my employees.
I've learned that there are so many more opportunities in the educational world that are not teaching jobs. When we posted on our blogs about different jobs that were available in different organizations, I could not believe how many there actually were. I was naive and didn't realize all of these companies were actually there and can help anyone that wants to be a part of the ECE field but also doesn't want to be a teacher.
I've learned that goal setting is WAY more important than I have realized in the past. While planning out my Capstone assignment, I came to the realization that goals are what help us to measure success. Even little goals can be accomplished and are just as important as big goals.
A long term goal of mine is to open my own Goddard School. I want to make a bigger difference in the lives of families with young children. I want to hire amazing staff and be able to pay them what they deserve to make, instead of what I can afford to pay them.
Best of luck!