Saturday, November 28, 2020

Sharing Web Resources Part 2: NAEYC

On the NAEYC website, I find many helpful resources for myself currently as an educator. I enjoy the articles and am able to access information that I can share with the teachers at my school. We are dealing with a pandemic that none of us have any experience with, so the articles are helpful for us to help the children (and ourselves) cope with this trying time.

Also, there are articles with other issues described that can be helpful for all educators, and parents. My daughter currently has some big feelings that she is trying to work out because of me and her dad splitting up, and the NAEYC website has many sources and ideas to help a newly single mom.

This section of the website has multiple resources for teachers of all different backgrounds.


One article that really jumped out at me is called “There’s No Going Back: Child Care After Covid-19” by Rhian Evans Allvin and Lauren Hogan. In this article, the authors list six ways that states can help support child care programs during the shutdown because of Covid-19.

1.    1.  Count by Contract, Not by Child

2.    2.  Cover the Cost of Quality

3.    3.  Pay Early Childhood Educators What They Are Worth 

4.    4.  Use the Unifying Framework for the Early Childhood Education Profession

5.    5.  Rethink Our Investments to Drive Quality

6.    6.  Incentivize Employers to have Skin in the Game

Ultimately, if we could meet these 6 items for each program, all schools might be more successful.


Allvin, R. E., & Hogan, L. (2020, May 6). There’s No Going Back: Child Care after COVID-19. NAEYC.

Coping with Covid-19. NAEYC. (2020).


  1. Leanne,

    Many people are waiting for things to return to what they consider to be normal or pre covid. We have to realize for many of us this is the new normal. I have lost family to Covid so for us it is finding new traditions. I work at a school that went from 3 computers per class to one per student. To protect the investment I can say with certainty that we will continue teaching with technology. Teaching online will continue as well but like the article mentioned it is difficult if we are being funded by the times the child logs on. I hope there is an answer soon.

  2. Leanne, what a great article now only now only if these things could come into play. We have no idea when this virus will be over or at least contained so we much strive to make the necessary adaptions for our own families and the children and families we serve. Cynthia

  3. Hi Leanne,
    I enjoyed your blog post. Thank you for sharing the information. During this crisis, we teachers are expected to be in front line. The six ways of the article 'There is no going back...." are great guidelines for the state.


  4. Hi Leanne, thank you so much for sharing your article. I found this to be a very insightful and interesting read as well. One of the six points that really stuck out to me just getting started in my ECE journey is cover the cost of quality. I cannot agree with this statement more. Providing high-quality programs results in high-quality work effort, time, and training. All of these qualities should be respected and properly paid for.
