Saturday, December 26, 2020

Final Blog Assignment

The past 8 weeks have been extremely eye-opening for me. I realized there were international issues, but I guess I was naive that the issues were so major compared to some here in the states. Obviously, Covid has been an issue for basically the entire world. It is an extremely difficult time to raise our children in, but thankfully there are early childhood programs that are helping our littlest learners cope with the changing world.

Consequence #1

Covid 19

Our country has taken many precautions to help stop the spread of Covid-19. Upping our cleaning and sanitizing practices, taking temperatures periodically throughout the day, wearing masks when in public and in confined spaces. Other countries have not been able to take the same precautions and the virus has been spreading like wildfire. I appreciate that organizations like UNICEF have been offering help to countries that need assistance for children and families who have been affected by this pandemic. 

Consequence #2


Diversity is something that is all around us, no matter where we live or what we do. In low-income situations or high-class situations, there is diversity. In early childhood education, we can teach diversity in many ways: through books, discussions, food in a play kitchen, displays in the classroom, etc. By including parents in the process of teaching about diversity through parent involvement at the school, we have a higher chance of helping children care less about color and more a chance of teaching them to accept everyone for who they are.

Consequence #3

Global Fund for Children

This organization is amazing! I really appreciate that they are making such a big deal about education for girls and bringing awareness to situations that only impact young girls. In the United States, there is awareness, but education for girls is not always a goal. It is an idea, but educating all young people is more "important" than girls. For women, there is still a divide in our rights and what our responsibilities are. If we choose to stay at home and not work, we are lazy. If we choose to work outside the home and still have a family, we are selfish. If we choose to not have any children, society looks at us like we are monsters. The Global Fund for Children supports all children, no matter their sex, but they are also bringing awareness to girls in particular, and I think it is something that more organizations should be aware of. 

Personal Goal

I would like to continue learning about how other organizations are helping girls in other countries. I also would like to see that the United States starts valuing teachers like other countries do. Early childhood educators are still viewed as glorified babysitters. It really bothers me that we have the same credentials as elementary teachers but get none of the recognition. I'd like to continue to research how we can bring awareness of the value of ECE professionals in the US and follow the lead of other countries. 


  1. Leanne,
    I can only imagine how it feels to be looked at as less than an educator because the the children you care for are younger. I am an elementary school educator and although we may make a little more money we are still looked down on by the community and blamed for the gaps that may be present when the students go off to secondary school. One of the videos we viewed this course mentioned nurses finally being recognized for their contributions. Sometimes I wonder if it has to do with being a female dominated field. Just a thought...

  2. Leanne, Great consequences especially Global Fund. What a great organization and I like that you picked such an important topic as empowering girls. Thank you for all you input to keep the learning alive. Hope to see you in our next class.

  3. Hi Leanne,

    Great blog post! In your consequence 2, you have talked about diversity. I firmly believe that diversity

    bring positive change in people’s mind as well as they accept the differences of opinion, color, views, religion, and nationality with an open arm.

    I wish you the Blessed New Year 2021.

  4. Hi Leanne, thank you so much for sharing your goals and resources with us. This course opened my eyes as well to the various trends and consequences revolving around the field of ECE both locally and globaly. One of my biggest get aways from this course is the importance of ECE educators getting the proper recognition they desserve. We do so much for our young learners and their families that many people over look and do not value. I too hope to make a difference in how our field of study is seen ans appreciated. I wish you the best of luck with your journey! Happy New Years :)
