Thursday, June 18, 2020

Three Ideals that are Meaningful to Me in the ECE Field


We shall care for and educate children in positive emotional and social environments that are cognitively stimulating and that support each child's culture, language, ethnicity, and family structure.

Quite frankly, this should be the mantra of all educators, not just early childhood educators.  We should always want what is best for all the children in our care. Personally, I feel that school for young children should be a safe place. It should feel like home to them, as they ultimately spend the majority of their days with us while at school. We should be like home to them and if we aren't, there's an issue.

We shall strive to build individual relationships with each child; make individualized adaptations in teaching strategies, learning environments, and curricula; and consult with the family so that each child benefits from the program. If after such efforts have been exhausted, the current placement does not meet a child’s needs, or the child is seriously jeopardizing the ability of other children to benefit from the program, we shall collaborate with the child’s family and appropriate specialists to determine the additional services needed and/or the placement option(s) most likely to ensure the child’s success. (Aspects of this principle may not apply in programs that have a lawful mandate to provide services to a particular population of children.)

We have come across this situation many times where a child is really struggling in our program, because either the parents are in denial as to recognizing a learning disability or the child has been diagnosed and their needs are beyond what we can provide. It is always sad to see the child leave the school and always wonder what happens to them. You hope that they receive the care that they need and deserve. It is also disheartening because we always know that the child received the best care and sometimes the parents blame the school or teacher. The repercussionsII from an angry parent can also hurt the school, directors, and teachers.

When we become aware of a practice or situation that endangers the health, safety, or well-being of children, we have an ethical responsibility to protect children or inform parents and/or others who can.

We are all mandated reporters at my school and we had a parent that consistently came to school smelling of alcohol and we were always very concerned about the child's safety. We eventually called the mandated reporter help line and reported the parent. It was a long process and it was kept anonymous. We just wanted the best care for the child. Nothing ended up happening in the investigation, but it put that parent on the radar and hopefully opened their eyes to something that could have been a bad situation.


We shall be responsible for maintaining the appropriate national, state, or other credential or licensure requirements for the services we provide while maintaining our competence in practice and research by ongoing participation in professional development and education activities.

As a director, I am selling to new families that we have licensed teachers that are competent and successful in their craft. It is mine and my other director's responsibility to hold our teachers to a state standard and to encourage them to continue with their schooling.

III-1 Enhancement of Children's and Families' Quality of Lives
We shall recognize our responsibility to improve the developmental outcomes of children and to provide services and support in a fair and equitable manner to all families and children.

The teachers at my school are trained that they will need to alter their lesson plans based on the strengths in their classrooms. One of our rooms is a preschool three-year-old room. The children in this room range from just three to almost four and the strengths of each child are varied based on their age. They need to be inclusive of all children to serve and help them maintain their highest achievements in the classroom.

III-4 Responsive Family Centered Practices
We shall empower families with information and resources so that they are informed of services for their children.

Each day, our families receive a daily report of their child's day. It includes everything that the teachers has taught and it also includes pictures, a special message, potty habits, and meal amounts. We also add information of any special visitors that are available on that day and we try to give the families as much information as possible about coming events for themselves and their children.


NAEYC. (2005, April). Code of Ethical Conduct and Statement of Commitment.                                                                                  

The Division for Early Childhood. (2000, August). Code of Ethics.


  1. Hi Leanne, I find your comments on the ideals that you picks so truthful and relatable. I agree that the environment for children should be a safe place, stress free, and enjoyable place to come for children. Children come from different home environments, some good some bad so I want my classroom to be one that they always want to come to and never want to leave. Cynthia Hunt

  2. Hi Leanne,
    I agree that teachers need to be held to state standards and they also need to continue to grow as professionals in their field. I wish I had you as my director.

  3. I loved this so much! As educators we need to do everything in our power to ensure that our students and families are receiving the best of us!

  4. Hi Leanne,

    Thank you so much for your posts, I have enjoyed reading them and I appreciate your input. I look forward to continuing this journey with you. And of course I will remember to take a nap :)

    Sawin Thongloy
