Friday, June 5, 2020

Early Childhood Resource List

Allvin, R. E. (2020). There's no such thing as online preschool. YC Young Children75(1), 57-61.

Childcare Education Institute. (2020, May 22). CCEI.
Defending the Early Years. (June, 2019) DEY Suggests Alternatives to Online Preschool.                     

FPG Child Development Institute. (2006, September). Evidence-Based Practice Empowers Early              Childhood Professionals and Families. (FPG Snapshot, No. 33). Retrieved May 26, 2010.                                                                                                                

McKay, R., & Teale, W. H. (2015). No more teaching a letter a week. Heinemann Educational                    Books.
National Association for the Education of Young Children. (n.d.) NAEYC.                                           
Teaching tools: Resources for teachers from scholastic. (2020).                                                                          Scholastic.

World Forum Foundation. (2019). About Us
Zero to Three. (2020). ZERO TO THREE.


  1. I enjoy reading your blog. I particularly liked the article, There is no online preschool. Preschool is about experiencing your environment. A child just can't do that online.

  2. Hi Leanne, your resources touch a lot of topics that are related to the early childhood field and provide educators insight and knowledge on many topics. I enjoyed reading "Evidence-based Practices Empowers Early Childhood Professionals and Families". Cynthia Hunt

  3. Thank you so much for posting your list of resources. I particularly enjoyed "Defending the Early Years".

  4. Leanne,
    Thank you for always being so responsive to my posts. You have never failed to make complements and have kind words of encouragement. You have shared resources and given me advice that was very useful. I really enjoyed reading your blogs and especially like the ease of maneuvering and posting to our blog site. I plan to add you to my toolbox of resources and continue to network with you throughout this journey and hopefully beyond.
    ooxx, Cynthia Hunt

  5. Leanne,

    It has brought me so much pleasure and joy reading your blog throughout this course. I wish you continued success and I hope that you achieve every goal you have in mind. Thank you for the wisdom you've shared throughout this course. You rock!

  6. Hi Leanne,
    I thank you for all of your hard work during this course. You brought a grand perspective to the studies which served to encourage me to engage in ares out side of my comfort zone. I wish you well and hope that we meet again.
